General Info |
| Address1: | 11-19 E. Mt. Royal Ave. |
Address2: | |
City | Baltimore |
State/Province: | MD |
Zip/Postal Code: | |
Country: | USA |
Updated: | 2011-03-01 |
Historical Entry: (Added by: BigKev on 2011-02-28) |
Historical Entry: (Added by: BigKev on 2011-03-01) |
1953, show a Derham Patrician sedan in the showroom. In the exterior photo, it is just barely visible in the right corner. In the interior photo, it is in the right foreground. This may be the only known photo of a Derham, such as it is, in a Packard showroom.
Historical Entry: (Added by: BigKev on 2011-03-01) |
Outside shot circa 1950s  |
Historical Entry: (Added by: BigKev on 2011-03-01) |
Zell Postcard  |
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