Close-up view of front end of 1938 Packard Eight car, Sixteenth Series, Model 1601, showing radiator grille, hood ornament and headlights. Typed/stamped on back: "Neg. no.
View of a woman worker operating a milling machine at the Packard Motor Car Company factory. Label on back: "Nearly 30 per cent of Packard's war workers are women. Operating everything from small drill presses to huge milling machines, they are doing their part to boost production of Packard-built Rolls-Royce aircraft engines.
View of Stearns and Packard cars racing on track during the 10 mile race at the 1907 races at Morris Park, New York. Handwritten on back: "Stearns & Packard, 10 mile race. Races and racing--Morris Park, 1907.
View of Stearns and Packard cars racing on track during the 1907 races at Morris Park, New York. Grandstand in background. Handwritten on back: "Stearns & Packard.
View of Stearns and Packard cars racing on track during the 1907 races at Morris Park, New York. Handwritten on back: "Stearns & Packard. Races and racing--Morris Park, 1907.
View of two Packard buses for the Red Ball Lines. Handwritten on back: "Packard's. " Item #: na048892 Photo courtesy of the Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection and used with permission.