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Main : 1909 1909 Packard 30 Model UB fire department squad car

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1909 Packard 30 Model UB fire department squad car
1909 Packard 30 Model UB fire department squad carPopular
SubmitterBigKevMore Photos from BigKev   Category1909   Last Update01/23/2010 14:42
Hits1217 Comments0   0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)Rate this ImageRate this Image
8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1909 Packard 30 Model UB with Detroit firemen, on residential street, two horse drawn apparatuses in background. Inscribed on photo back; 4-cylinder, 30-horsepower, 123-inch wheelbase, Packard serial no. 7502, fire department squad car, shop no. 35, first piece of motorized fire apparatus in Detroit, delivered Sept. 1908-placed in service Oct. 1908, Engine #30, on Hastings St. downtown Detroit, was one of the first 'Flying Squadrons' in the U.S.; on Oct. 18th 1910 a second Packard was purchased to replace original, the 1909 was then used to form another 'Flying Squadron' known as Engine #34 operating in the quarters of Engine Co. 5 at Cass & Alexandrine St., a third Packard was purchased in Oct. 1912 & was placed in service as Engine #30, the 1910 became Engine #36 & the 1909 was used to organize another 'Flying Squadron'; Engine #36 operated in the quarters of Engine Co. 18 on Mount Elliot near Sylvester Ave., a fourth Packard was placed in service on Jan. 18th, 1918 as the 4th Detroit 'Flying Squadron'; Engine #40 shared quarters with Engine Co. 27 at Junction & Rodgers, during a department reorganization later in 1918 the four squadrons were designated as rescue squadrons 1, 2, 3, & 4, responding to a fire call on June 6th, 1921, the 1909 Packard was involved in a collision & was sold for scrap.

Item #: EB01c279

Photo courtesy of the Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection and used with permission.

Reproduction Permission Form and Price List

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