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1949 Packard convertible victoria, with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey in back seat
BigKev 1949-50 (23rd Series) 01/23/2010 15:57
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8x10 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1949 Packard three-quarter front left view, on city street, with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey in back seat, crowds in background. Inscribed on photo back; 1948-49 Packard custom eight, twenty-second series, model 2233, 8-cylinder, 160-horsepower, 127-inch wheelbase, convertible victoria (body type #2259), 1948 Presidential candidate & Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey. Item #: EB01e341 Photo courtesy of the Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection and used with permission. Reproduction Permission Form and Price List |
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JD in KC |
Published: 02/07/2010 11:16
Home away from home
Joined: 03/30/2007
From: Kansas City, MO
Comments: 1628
 Re: 1949 Packard convertible victoria, with Mr. & Mrs. Th...
Belongs in 22nd series category.