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Main : 1933 1933 Packard sedan and owner comic strip creator George McManus

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1933 Packard sedan and owner comic strip creator George McManus
1933 Packard sedan and owner comic strip creator George McManusPopular
SubmitterBigKevMore Photos from BigKev   Category1933   Last Update01/23/2010 16:22
Hits4435 Comments0   0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)Rate this ImageRate this Image
7.5x9.5 black and white Packard Co. file photograph of a 1933 Packard view of front three-quarters of car, parked in street, owner comic strip creator George McManus, standing on left side. Inscribed on photo back; 1933 Packard eight, model 1001, tenth series eight, 8-cylinder, 120-horsepower, 127.5-inch wheelbase, 5-person sedan (body type #603), fitted with deluxe equipment; approved Packard accessories bumper guards, license plate frames, pilot ray light, cormorant emblem, twin trumpet horns, chrome plated wheel discs, dual side mounted spares, rear view mirror, fender guides, radio (trunk & guard removed); purchased 6-14-1933 for $2866.75, purchase order #9103, from LeRoy Spencer, Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles. 'George McManus, creator of Jiggs, Maggie, Dinty Moore and other characters in 'Bringing up Father,' says that to date Jiggs and Maggie have been able to agree on only one thing. And that is, that when it concerns motor cars, Packard is the only car to buy.'

Item #: EB01e715

Photo courtesy of the Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection and used with permission.

Reproduction Permission Form and Price List

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