Re: V 12

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2012/7/23 12:11:38
Not to my knowledge. The very best I've seen aside from actually seeing one done by one of the few shops that specializes in that engine is series of very detailed articles published some years ago by Dale Adams. It covers the process in extreme detail, right down to making the rod bearings from scratch, revulcanizing the vibration damper, and just about every other detail. I tried a while back to get permission from the published to post the articles but never received a response. But I do have them in hardcopy and would be glad to photocopy and mail to you. It's probably 40 or 50 pages with illustrations.

There is a restoration shop here in NJ that makes a specialty of Packard Twelve engine jobs; if you had one or two specific questions I'd be glad to ask him when he's back from Pebble, currently he's in a last minute panic rush to finish 3 cars for that event and I wouldn't dare interrput him now.

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