Re: Gen. MacArthur's 8-45 limousine

Posted by Tim Cole On 2012/7/31 19:02:07
I agree MacArthur was a showman, but a few of his battle plans were really good. His worst hour was breaking up the bonus army during the depression. But the military is a system that is based on sucking up, so it only follows that there will be a lot of kooks. It's the same in the corporate world and everything else.

One of the problems with the high priced cars is that they were bought by well off hooligans. And a lot of today's collectors fancy themselves that way as well and make a big deal about what bum owned such and such car. To me it makes them less valuable.

Once I was talking to a wealthy old lady and she remarked with utter disdain "Isn't he the one with the old cars?"

There is no accounting for taste, but the more gadgets they keep hanging on today's cars the more I look back at the humble Model T and think so and so was right, that really is the ultimate.

I would be suspicious of anybody who seems to specialize in cars owned by one type of crumb bum. And of course the greater the swindler the more personable they are. Just look at your typical serial killer or crooked politician - everybody loves em. Everybody loved Sandusky and his buddy Joe Paterno. I guarantee those two creeps would have nothing good to say about me.

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