Re: Rod bearings

Posted by flackmaster On 2013/1/24 13:37:17
Confirmed FM 9345 SB set of 8. Confirmed by my notes, and by OD comparison to archive set of .002's. 2.200 is the early style you seek. Can do.

As for what I have on hand, thank you for noticing. I spend thousands of dollars per year buying parts on the internet, and traveling to swap meets to buy parts. Being a resource is a joy and a curse. I am NOT in business. I do this because I enjoy it and I am good at it. I bring parts to ONE swap meet a year, Salado. Last year I brought LOTS of parts, good, rare, hard to find and heavy parts such as starters and generators. Total Salado sales last year....$161. And I had to buy Eric lunch for babysitting parts with me. I'm not complaining (too much), but it illustrates the futility in being a swap meet vendor. I am not hard to find if you are seeking pre-war parts...but I rarely, if ever, get calls during the year from local/Salado guys. Stepping off soap box...

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