Re: 35 Eight Packard starting problems

Posted by Tim Cole On 2013/2/26 22:29:33
Dear Packard0:

Good that you are making way. A KD spark tester from NAPA would allow you to measure the voltage which should be at least 20,000 volts in a good 6 volt system. And yes it should be bright white.

If you are checking one cylinder it should spark every two revolutions and be regular. If it skips that indicates a problem. I've had cases where it would spark now and then because the distribtor plate was shorting.

I can see from the picture that someone has worked with the armored cable. You can disconnect that wire and run a jumper wire straight to the battery. Sometimes those ignition switches and cables short out.

Also, sometimes excessive paint will obsrtuct the ground for the disributor. That can be fixed with a ground wire.

After that, it's straight tune up procedures.

Maybe you should do a compression test while you are under there.

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