Re: Slow going....

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2013/3/2 9:44:29
kts68: The brushes are not copper but are either copper-impregnated carbon or copper flash-plated due to the very high current needs. Question - do the brushes arc signficantly when you power the starter? If so I'd examine the commutator to see if the mica separators between the conductive segments are properly recessed below the copper conductors. If not, to get proper brush contact you need to cut the mica back so it is recessed slightly. This is shown in most any text on starter or generator service and is a standard process when servicing a commutator. There are special tools for it but a piece of broken hack saw blade works as well as anything; then finish up by polishing the commutator and perhaps refacing the brushes so they give full contact.

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