Re: 1942 Packard 160 on E Bay

Posted by su8overdrive On 2013/5/17 1:31:45
Deputy Law -- Monsignors Troxell, post #10, and Santana, post #11 speak the truth. Belay the wire wheels. They look tacky on Packards after the mid-'30s. Keep it simple. Less is more.

Live with it, get your sea legs, baby steps. One thing at a time, no rush. Too many CCCA Cadillac-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack (thank you, Billy Joel, "Movin' Out") types buy Packards,
glom on every piece of glitz they can. That's not what Packard was about.

Wire wheels are out of character for such an elegant road car as yours.

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