Re: 1938 Packard Twelve mystery shifter?

Posted by Peter Hartmann On 2008/9/4 6:45:13
Thanks for that fantastic photo - John.

Every time this issue comes up, I think back how astonished I was to have been proved wrong (when people would tell me there was such a thing as a "straigt" Packard Twelve, I would "poo poo" them and call them just plain wrong. I found it just about impossible to believe the Packard Engineering Dept. could have gotten involved in such utter nonsence (the technical/engineering reasons why a STRAIGHT Twelve would be totally useless for a production motor car have been beaten to death elsewhere).

My understanding about Packard priorites in their development shops, was that they knew they were a BUSINESS-oriented branch, involved in product development that made SENSE ...that might eventually produce REVENUE.

The idea of an "IN LINE" twelve cylinder engine was nuts. A total waste of time and valuable resources. I just dont understand it. Until John's research, and telling us about some author who had the photos, I simply wouldn't have believed it.

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