21st Series Hearse in New Zealand

Posted by Ozstatman On 2013/10/20 3:59:27
Invited to a run with the Hudson Club here today and their Events Director subsequently forwarded me a pic of a 21st Series hearse in the MOTAT in Auckland NZ. Here's what he told me about it:
"Made in the USA,this Packard Clipper hearse arrived in NewZealand by ship in 1948 as a standard 4 door sedan.

Auckland funeral directors Morrisons bought the Packard in 1954 and converted it to a hearse. For the next 15 years, the Packard worked throughout Auckland transporting the deceased for funeral services and ceremonies. When Morrisons sold the hearse in 1969, the residents of Waiheke Island raised the money to buy it, as the island did not have a hearse of it's own. Over the years, the Islands local mechanics continued to maintain the vehicle, with various people driving it for funerals, including the local policeman.

As part of the 1989 local government restructure, the Auckland City Council took over all the Waiheke council functions, including control of the hearse. In 1996, the Auckland City Council and Waiheke community donated the hearse to MOTAT.

As I'm aiming to go to NZ's National Packard Rally next year I hope to see the hearse in the metal. If I do I'll post more pic's.

Kev, can you transfer this thread to the Post-War Forum please?

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