39 120 questions

Posted by David Grubbs On 2013/11/30 20:23:56
Finally got the old girl running again after a long two year wiring installation. Issue #1 is the carb. I suspect the gas gummed up things a bit, as the car will start instantly at times, and another I have to pull the air cleaner and stick a screwdriver in the carb to open up the choke and pray. Both of these scenarios can happen with a cold engine. I think the appropriate action is to yank the carb and install a new carb kit. Any suggestions as to pros and cons of getting one from Napa vs one of the old car vendors?

Issue #2. I drained the oil and put in some Shell Rotella 10w-30w as this is what I use in my 51. Except for the senior moment when I forgot that the 39 hasn't been rebuilt and the 51 has. I just started the car and drove it back into the garage. I think the appropriate action is to drain the oil, and drop the pan for cleaning.
Suggestions? Also, should I go back to a non detergent oil after cleaning the pan?

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