adding to the problems

Posted by AJS On 2015/3/15 14:10:01
I have much more then cooling problems. I did a compression test yesterday and #4 cylinder has only 60 psi. all of the others range from 94-101 psi. The #4 leaks down fairly fast, all the others hold. I hope I have a valve problem. the engine does not smoke, has a miss and a tick that I thought was a valve. I drove the car for a few hrs Saturday. It seems to be time to address the engine now that I know there is a serious problem, likely time to rebuild the gearbox as I think it needs new bearings. I want the car to be dependable so I can drive the hell out of it. I live in the Los Angeles area and will be looking for a shop I can take the car to. Its been 30 years since I worked in a restoration shop and tore these cars down everyday and put them back together with the end result of the car ending up at Pebble. I don't know if I have it in me anymore to pull the engine by myself, have my wife be involved in removing a hood.....ect. Any recommendations for a shop, or mechanic in my area would be appreciated.I was hoping to get it to the San Marino Motor Classic in June. I still love looking at in the garage.

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