4.07 gear, need a 12 bolt vs 16...?

Posted by Highlander160 On 2015/3/25 13:57:44
This is a longshot but WTH, right? We have 16 bolt (ring gear mounting bolts) 4.07 gear which fits the Super 8 and 12 for 33-4-5-6. We need a 12 bolt (ring gear bolts) set for a 33-4-5-6-7 8 cylinder chassis. This is needed specifically for a 1934 1101 Conv Victoria. I'm hoping someone may have or know someone who has a 12 bolt set and may even need a 16 bolt set instead. It's a new gear but just wrong for our purpose. If that fails, is there someone in the midwest (or within a day's drive of Motown) that has a complete Super 8 rear axle to sell? Either option is desirable and thanks in advance for any leads or parts.

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