Super 8 engine differences, 1930's

Posted by scott12180 On 2015/9/6 17:27:16
I am wondering what the engine differences were in the Super 8's in the 1930's. Are these details written down or published somewhere?

As I've posted, I'm looking for a 1937 cylinder block to use on a 1938 engine. I've been told that the '37 block is almost a perfect fit, save for drilling some oil drain holes in the valve chamber. Likewise, I've been told the 1939 cylinder block would be tough to fit since it's significantly different.

But how about a '36 cylinder block? How about a '35 block? For that matter, '34? '33? etc?

I'd really like to know the differences in these engines, not only just to understand, but if a '35 block would work, I know of one locally.

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