Posted by Highlander160 On 2015/11/2 7:35:58
My interest is to keep this discussion friendly and informative to all involved. I live this sh..uh, stuff, every day. My perspective and personal challenge is to make everything I do as authentic as possible. Has anyone ever seen an original car with a cut and polished frame? Yeah, neither have I. Ever notice that the pick marks from the metal finishers were still visible under the fenders? Not hateful divots, just little marks from their hammer and dolly work. Ever seen fingerprints on the back of garnish moldings? Such stuff intrigues me to no end, and in moderation can go a long way toward the mindset of the company and it's employees. As to rare or once-in-a-lifetime finds of cars restored with little known history? Actually the bulk of my experience. More these days with cars done in the 70s and families who don't get that the amateur photography can be just as important as the car's title. I've had the pleasure, and perhaps privilege, of watching this craft mature and get amazingly accurate. There's still that "thing" from decades past where frames are polished and modern leathers are used, late model pearl and firemist type paints, and to me those cars stand out like elementary school erections, and should be just as embarrassing but they never seem to be. At the end of the day, again from my perspective, it's the client that makes the final decision. Once I present how it should be and the information to back that up, well then professionally I'm out of the loop if they pick leather from a 2003 Cadillac and a color from a late model Toyota. As to considering that certain changes add value, today's buyer says no. Wrong paint can cost in excess of $20K to make right on a classic Packard. Then there's the thought that if they had no respect for the car's pedigree or street cred then where else was it "cheaped out"? I prefer to add value by being sincere to a car's roots, by using the same discipline and craftsmanship that the original builders did. My "skin in the game"? It has to show when someone walks up to see the car without ever lifting the hood or opening a door. Like many things, you know it when you see it, but I'll let you in on a big secret too. It's CHEAPER to do it right the 1st time and it lasts longer. Added value? That's what I'm talkin about. This has been quite a topic, but I apologize if some of these thoughts derailed it some. Our favored marque was selling some of finest cars ever produced while many were standing in bread lines or wondering where their next dollar was going come from. Logic would clearly dictate, that within reason and period availability, they would cater to the odd taste or specified desire to get the job done, especially when you consider that you could buy 4 Ford Tudors for the cost of an 1100 sedan. Maybe only 3 if you optioned those Tudors to the max, but you get the idea...

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