Re: What to do before I attempt to start our 1935 Eight?

Posted by Dave Brownell On 2016/4/30 11:35:48
Rumble steps on the left because kind engineers did not want you to trip and fall into passing road traffic. Plus, a curb would more often be on the left of a RHD car, minimizing the step up required.

Have you also noted the world-wide tendency that if a car has a single exhaust, it is usually on the opposite side as the fuel filler? Less chance of drips on a hot pipe. For people who drive rental cars, that little arrow on the fuel gauge that points to the side of the filler is a real bonus clue to an infrequent driver.

I don't remember when it stopped, but for many years door key locks were only placed on the curb side, presumably to lessen the risk of a person opening a door and exiting into traffic. Bicyclists have been more endangered since this practice stopped.

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