1939 starter button install

Posted by DrMorbius On 2016/8/16 11:32:22
Hi, my starter button on my 1939 Super-8 died on me so I got a new one to replace and wondered if anyone replaced theirs or your light switch which is next to it. It seems my dash was made into 2 parts - the large part and the small central part which holds the starter button, light switch, the lighter, ignition switch and hand throttle. At the top of this small central piece is the ashtray which I slid out. My question is does this small central part of the dashboard pop away from the main dash cleanly, so I can easily get at the two 1/4" nuts to remove the starter switch or would the small plastic dash part break into millions of pieces because it's not supposed to come apart. It's almost next to impossible to remove the nuts from underneath and behind and pretty much forget trying to attach the 2 nuts back on (it's so dark and tight in there!).

Thanks for any info!


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