Re: Car won't start without priming carb

Posted by fredkanter On 2016/10/10 15:41:01
Gas boiling away or porous castings are myths perpetuated by those who don't understand automobiles and rely on voodoo science to analyze problems.

If a casting were porous the gas would be leaking out onto the manifold while running and perhaps catch fire. If the FP were defective the car most likely would not be able to drive the 10 miles.

Most likely problems:

1. Choke is not closing after sitting

2. Accelerator pump is not working. When car is first started the choke is closed tightly enough to suck gas into the carb throat. After it is driven and the choke is wide open, if the accel pump is not functioning there is not enough gas in the throat of the carb to start it. Pouring gas in the carb fixes that. When the problem is encountered see if the choke is wide open, pump the accelerator and see if there is gas squirting into the throat.

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