1937 120 water pump problem

Posted by R Howe On 2016/11/14 17:27:38
I am having an issue with the water pump on my 1937 120. When the pump is attached to the block, the back cover is being pushed into the shaft, thus not allowing the pump to turn freely. The pump will turn quite freely when removed from the block. I have three options on how to handle this, but wanted to see if any of you have had this problem before and maybe have a different solution. My options as I see them are 1) replace the gasket between the back plate of the pump and the body of the pump with something thicker to keep the back plate from pressing against the shaft; 2) customize a gasket going between the back plate and the block with an opening at the point where the shaft would be pressed against the back plate so that it would not be pressed by the installation or 3) grind down the shaft at the rear about 1/32" or enough to keep the shaft from pressing into the back plate when the pump is installed. Does anyone have any other bright ideas? Thanks.

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