Re: 1936 Packard 12 Owner's Manual

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2008/12/26 13:19:53
Walt, many, many thanks for the data. Those Twelves are really something; I've had to make do with a lowly 1934 Eight all these years. Perhaps someday if I live long enough I'll get enough data from folks like you to fill in enough blanks to have something write about. The "Thief-proof" number along with the vehicle number is my primary interest and is the large embossed number on the engine side of the cowl, enclosed by triangles at the ends (except for 35-37 juniors). FYI, they started this system with the 6th series and continued it until the end at Detroit with the exception of a few 1940 cars which are a curiousity and in which I'm also interested in.

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