Posted by HH56 On 2017/2/7 19:12:30
That book sounds like quite a project and something I am looking forward to seeing in print. Ever since I saw my first AC back in the early 50s it has been a subject of interest and a must have option. Where I grew up in New Mexico swamp coolers were the thing and I can remember those which mounted or sat every which way in the car. Geez, when I think of some of the "mods" I made as a teenager to that Packard I drove in order to try and add some facsimile of a working AC.

The closest thing to compare to modern dry refrigeration without going to a full aftermarket (and expensive) add on refrigeration system was some contraption that relied on several frozen cans of slow melting liquid. The cans fit a metal shelf or holder located between some fins. Air could blow thru the cold fins and out the front. IIRC, depending on outside temp the cans were good for an hour or maybe two and then you would go to a filling station or store which was part of the program. For a small fee swap your melted cans for newly frozen ones so the trip could continue in air conditioned splendor. Being a broke teenager and not even having swap money I tried to make one of those using frozen milk cartons in an old sit over the tunnel swamp cooler. Those were the days.

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