Re: 1934 Packard 1100 Sedan Value help

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2017/2/22 11:16:49
In all likelihood it will not prove to be an easy car to sell. There is currently a '34 1100 for sale in NJ that's gone unsold for a year or more (though overpriced IMO). And last year a really exceptional one priced very attractively took some months to sell.

The huge majority of younger folks who now find themselves with enough disposable income to enter the hobby will want something far newer, certainly post-Korean War. And of the older set who grew into the hobby when interest in these cars was at its peak, many of them are now approaching or exceeding 80 years of age and looking to dispose of such cars. So patience will be the key! I'd think you might start with an asking price of $35K as some negotiating is always expected. Probably the biggest arguing point for a lower price will be the paint job.

You could start by placing an add in the Classified "cars for sale" on the Packard Club website ( and if you're a member, take your free add in their monthly newsletter which reaches about 3500 folks worldwide. There is also a Wanted and For Sale section on the forum associated with The Packard Club website. Posting on Hemmings which also sees a lot of action. I don't see the car as being a particularly good fit at any of the better-known auctions.

I'm not sure I have the data on your 1100 in my database and I'd appreciate it if you'd send me a PM with the vehicle number, motor number, and body serial or "theft-proof" number. Selling dealer and date of sale would also be nice to know.


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