1930 wire wheel question

Posted by Sherlock On 2017/4/21 18:48:35
According to the Service Parts Liat 1930-32, there are two types of wire wheels used on a 1930 740 or 745. One is 19"x 5" base (used with 6-1/16" hub shell cover) and the other is 19"x 5" base (used with 7-1/2" hub shell cover). I'm trying to determine which of these I have, but I'm not sure exactly what a "hub shell cover" is. Neither am I certain what the "base" refers to. I wonder if someone here can enlighten me. The upshot of all this is I'm wondering if I could use a wire wheel for 1931 or 1932 on this car. They are also 19" x 5" base, but the parts list does not give hub shell cover options like for the 1930, so they must have only one size hub shell cover, and I'd need to know what size that is.

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