Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/1/2 9:49:17
The filter material is felt and you can service them yourself if all they need is cleaning. I presume you've reviewed the Bijur service manual I submitted to this site a while back, covers both types? Simple disassembly and cleaning, and possibly replacing the felt should be all that's needed; I've had to clean 2 or 3 on my 34 though all the rest still work and haven't needed service. Pretty simple job. If you want new ones, in addition to Classic & Exotic as mentioned, Bruce Blevins advertises new Bijur drip plugs is most sizes and I believe he has both the automatic and manual types. Bruce advertises often in The Cormorant News Bulletin and perhaps elsewhere. Let me know if you can't locate him.

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