1937 Roof Insert

Posted by R Howe On 2018/1/22 10:31:33
Hello, all. I am at the point in my '37 120C Touring Sedan restoration where I need to locate information and / or materials to replace the missing roof insert. In the modern pictures, I see the insert being black, which tells me that it is waterproofed canvas, but in some earlier forum responses, it is implied that the insert was the color of the car, which might imply that it is of another material. Does anyone have any information on whether or not it was the color of this model car and / or where I might obtain the materials and instructions on how this insert is put into place?? What materials are used to seal the insert and for the '37 120C, was the top always black regardless of the vehicle color, or did it actually match the car color? I would think that it would be more monetarily efficient to, for the junior series, to have the insert the same color for all sedan models regardless of body color. Also, part of my question is when the top is sewn in place, does the thread go all of the way through the insert to seal it in place, or is the material folded and it is sewn only in the under fold? I would appreciate any information anyone might be able to give. Thanks.

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