Re: Carburetor Question Carter WA-1

Posted by Packard Newbie On 2018/7/5 19:21:48
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the replies and input. After Howard's 'tutorial' on the carb heat plumbing, I went back and looked at the car again today and found a small hole in the top of the exhaust manifold. I had some 1/4" copper tubing with me and found that it fit perfectly in the hole. I shaped the tubing to lead nice and fair up to the heat element housing and used a compression fitting to secure the upper end to the carb. It seems to work perfectly as the choke was completely closed when the engine was cold and once warmed up, it was fully open. I guess this is the 'stove' compartment Howard was referring to, as there was no exhaust coming from it and the copper tube seemed to go about 3/4" into the hole. I suspended the end of the tubing so it was not on the bottom of the chamber, but about halfway. Actually, it looks remarkably similar to the picture David posted.
Unfortunately, I took the car out for a drive with the brand new carb on it, new fuel lines, new filters and gas tank pickup tube and it promptly stalled at the first stop sign!!!
Think it is fairly safe to say the stalling problem is not in the fuel circuit. Dynamite time, me thinks!!!!!

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