Re: Carburetor Question Carter WA-1

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2018/7/7 22:00:28
Taximan, I had experienced exactly the same problem years back with some silicone gasket snot that had gotten it's way into the tank and periodically plugged the outlet, only to float away when the engine stalled - and I've thought right along that the poster's problem is one of fuel starvation. Way back in another thread on this same problem I had suggested a simple test to prove whether or not it was a fuel delivery problem by simply rigging a small gravity feel gas tank directly to the carburetor inlet. If you still have the problem you have eliminated from consideration the gas tank, electric and mechanical pumps, filters, and all the associated lines. Unfortunately I don't think the suggestion was acted on, or if it was I don't recall any discussion of it and the results.

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