Re: Darrin Sport Sedan....

Posted by Ross On 2018/8/11 6:20:29
I have stared at a lot of Darrins over the last 45 years or so and pondered also his work at Kaiser Frazer. Pretty much without exception his cars are striking and arrest the attention. Almost without exception there is some aspect that is ungainly--often times his roof treatment. The Clippers are that exception and I am pretty sure the basic design was heavily massaged by others. So you could mark me as appreciative, but not a fan.

Now to the question of using Darrin styling on the whole 41 line. Have you tried to get into one? I am only 5'-9" and it is inconvenient. They would have needed to do a major rework of the frames with a far more pronounced double drop in order to have acceptable seat heights and usable door openings. Don't let the large doors fool you: they are hiding the fact the the floor level is at your kneecap.

The LeBaron Sport Sedan is a far better trick. The extra slant to the windshield,the thin window frames, and the coupe type roof and deck make a trim package attractive from every angle. Oh, and people fit in it.

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