Posted by DrMorbius On 2018/10/15 16:53:53
I may be one of the few that has had luck with the 6 volt pos. ground Pertronix. I first installed it in my 54 Caribbean which was running great when I installed it in the summer of 1996 up till I traded it 3 years ago for my '39 Super 8 which I also installed a Pertronix system and is running fantastic - engine turns over twice before it starts from cold and 1/2 a turn from warm. I also installed another Pertronix in a 1954 Pacific - also 6 volt positive and that was back in Spring of 2001. It feels like the hotter spark makes the engine run smoother also. The key I believe to a good Pertronix system is an Optima sealed battery - probably why I never had a problem.


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