Re: 1940 120 Town Car by Rollson

Posted by PP56FR On 2018/11/14 3:52:34
Thank you for your replies! The car has a mph speedometer, but it seems to have been shipped to France during the 1940s. The owner says he has a picture of it in front of the US Embassy in Paris, during WWII (but this needs to be further investigated). For sure, the more I know about it, the better it is. I suppose there is no database listing the Rollson-bodied Packards.

And indeed, the body is really archaic, both in style and construction, it's all made of wood.

The club I'm a member of displayed it last week-end, together with my Patrician, for the Epoqu'Auto old car show in Lyon. The public was impressed by this body style, that is indeed more of a carriage than of a car.

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