Transmission Question???

Posted by Packard Newbie On 2018/12/31 18:11:05
As I've previously posted, I am in the process of R&R'ing my 245 CID 6 cyl on my '39 Six. Thinking that while I have it out and apart, I should get the transmission gone over. I ordered a kit from Kanters that includes the 'wear items'. I went through the packing list and expected to see synchro rings. Instead, what is identified on the order that relates to that are 3 small springs and 3 small ball bearings. Not being a 'transmission man' and not familiar with how gear synchronization actually functions, I assumed these would go into the transmission works during the rebuild process. I have located a guy in a nearby town who IS a transmission man and he asked that I clean the casing up before bringing it to him, I spent several hours today detailing every nook and cranny of the exterior, rendering it 'dinner plate clean'. My question is this: while working on it, I drained the oil and put a telescope magnet into the drain hole. I ended up retrieving 3 springs and 3 ball bearings identical to those supplied with the service kit. Why would they end up in the bottom of the transmission sump and does this signify a larger problem?? I.E. is there a component in the cluster(s) that is likely worn or broken, that allowed these pieces to escape?? Any advice or knowledge shared on this much appreciated.

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