Re: 1938 Super Eight for sale

Posted by scott12180 On 2019/3/4 8:43:13
I share your love for the '38 Super 8 and Twelve styling. Just works for me.

I owned a '38 Super Eight for a few years and can attest, as can others, that the engine blocks are indeed prone to cracking. Especially now that they are 80 years old, if a block is not cracked yet, there's a good chance that when you start driving it, it will crack. And repairs seem to be next to impossible. (Of course anything is possible with a bottomless checkbook. You could cast new blocks !)

Two suggestions:
If you find a nice Super 8, you should immediately start looking for a '37 or '39 cylinder block because you will need it someday. And if you rebuild the engine, it will do no good to rebuild the '38 cylinder block because all the money you spend would be thrown away when it cracks later on. Rebuild a '37 or '39. Both blocks may just bolt on to the existing crankcase with minor alterations. Perhaps others can speak more authoritatively.

The other suggestion is to find a Twelve. They also have their share of problems namely that the cylinder heads being of aluminum are prone to corrosion failure. But there are new heads available. You should buy two heads ($5000+) if they are available because, again, you will need them someday.

Best of luck finding a car. There are a few on the market, both Eights and Twelves.

And yes, gearing is slow. High speed gears were available, but I don't know if anyone is making them anymore. I've no idea if an overdrive would fit but that would be your best option with an Eight as these are heavy cars. Unless you live in Nebraska where the terrain is flat as a floor.

-- Luke

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