Re: VN Plate Stamping

Posted by su8overdrive On 2019/3/13 15:17:45
Much as i dislike sounding like a broken record, why oh why can't someone simply re-do, silkscreen, etc. our existing VIN plates? It's a little thing, but often the selling dealer's signature etched into the metal.

Reproducing everything leaves you with a parody, a pile of reproduced parts, that connection with history lost.
Let's see if we can find someone somewhere willing to reink our original plates. Half a century since the moon landing. Can't be impossible.

Why does it have to be done only on a new piece of tin?

And please, don't tell us how we can do it. Let's find someone we can mail our plates to.
Some vital parts are in short supply and must be reproduced; rubber items among them, gaskets, etc. But reproducing does not = restoring, refurbishing, rebuilding.

Again, a palty matter in the scheme of things, but does show how the janitorial d' nonelegance mentality has decimated the hobby.

Packard Don above makes a good point. Enough with the fakey-do. Re-inking an original should be less expensive than having a trophy shop do a forgery.

Certainly more rewarding to retain that historic bit.

No opportunists catering to trophy hounds or those who imagine the more they sink into a car the more it's worth need apply. This is a hobby, right?

Can't be the only soul here gathered who doesn't want to see his car gradually morph into a hoax, a counterfeit.

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