Re: Source for Type DB and JHE Bijur metering units (drip plugs)?

Posted by Ozstatman On 2009/2/7 3:33:00

I used to play, took it up in my late 20's and was very passionate about the game. At one time lived in a street that dead-ended onto a golf course, joined the club and used to play 9 holes before work 3 or 4 times a week, year round. Because I rushed it never improved much but the day I played 9 holes 3 over par was my golfing highlight many years ago! But lost interest, didn't play for 15 years until my son-in-law's "buck's night" which included a game of golf as part of the festivities. Discovered then I'm too old, too inflexible and too tired, but it sure was enjoyable while it lasted. Actually have a few wooden shafted clubs, and no I'm not THAT old.

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