Re: WANTED radiator 1936 packard 120

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2019/10/23 19:18:26
The OP didn't explain what "fix" meant, I took it to mean recore but if a fin and tube, I suppose it could have meant to "rod" it, meaning to to clear build-up within the tubes by running a rod thru them. If a cellular, "fix" really couldn't mean anything other than a new core. Saying what "fix" entailed would have helped our understanding.

Cellular radiators are often called honeycomb radiators, rather obvious just looking at the construction as interlocking hexagonal "cells", the water flow is obviously not in a straight line but follows the walls of the cells. Just Google "cellular radiator" and you'll find plenty of reading and illustrations. Just two different approaches heat-exchanging.

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