Re: '37 115C valves

Posted by tsherry On 2020/12/30 16:29:27
Thanks, guys--Ken, I'd read your adventure previously and PDF'd the pages. Great write up. I planned on refurbing the tappet screws by putting them in a cordless drill in a vise, and use a Dremel for some creative re-shaping. Not the first time I've done something like that!

After further review, the guides do not appear to be all that bad--they are original style, so I will probably modify them per the shop manual. There's a dash of slop in them but using the "one" obviously newer valve and it's perfect stem, the movement is negligible. I'll order up replacement valves for those that are worn out, and call it good.

Due to fumble-fingers, I'll be dropping the pan to retrieve one of the valve keepers. Slipped out of my oily fingers, right down the drain hole where my rag plug had slipped out, and 'tunk' hit the pan.

It's always sumthin'.

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