Distributor Position

Posted by GaryinSC On 2022/12/16 12:36:03
I plan to remove the pan this winter and wanted to make a correction to my distributor position on my 901. I believe if I remove the oil pump and rotate the gears clockwise a couple of cogs that my distributor will move to the proper position with the label pointing at the 6 o clock position rather than the 4 o clock position it now resides in. The car runs great so I cannot be far off the proper degrees before TDC but as you can see by the attached photo the locking pin on the distributor is just about touching #4 spark plug and if needed I cannot rotate the distributor counter clockwise any further. I have seen multiple engine photos with both the 6 o clock position as well as the 4 o clock position shown but I think they should all be in the 6 o clock position.

Attach file:

jpg  Distributor2.jpg (226.91 KB)
165673_639cac83cb160.jpg 1920X1440 px

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