Annoying and Aggressive Rattle

Posted by TxGoat On 2023/6/30 11:09:00
My car developed a very bad rattle. It sounded like it was in both doors, but I could not find any problems there.
Any slight pavement defect would get a report from the rattle, and often a series of them.

The problem proved to be the seat adjustment cross shaft. It was too close to the middle steel brace in the subframe under the cushion. There is a cutout in the brace where the rod passes under it. I stuffed some foam rubber between the rod and the brace, not reaally expecting any improvement.

I drove down the bumpy, choppy, rough, dusty, washboarded dirt/gravel road that I have to use to get to pavement, and found that the car is now almost 100% rattle free. No rattles at all on poor pavement, and only a light tap or two once in a while from the rolled-down windows, which I think I can easily adjust out.

The car seens to ride a lot better without the rattles announcing every tiny bump in the road. It feels much solider, almost like a new car. I'm amazed that a scrap of foam rubber could make that much difference.

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