Re: 1929 626 engine operating temp

Posted by TxGoat On 2023/8/2 7:13:07
That sounds pretty good. It will probably run too cold in cool weather with the shutters wired open.

Operating temperature around 180F at the water outlet is desired.

With modern multi-grade oil and conventional "green" antifreeze, any thing up to about 190 F is OK.

Consistently running under 170 to 180F will lead to crankcase sludging and crankcase moisture accumulation in cooler weather.

It's bad practice to start any engine that you are not going to run for at least 10 miles or more in cool weather.

If you aren't going to drive the car for half an hour or more, it's best not to start it.

Packard warned against starting cars kept in storage to move them short distances, or for any other reason that involved running the engine for only a few minutes.

Packard policy was to push cars that needed moved short distances by hand rather than start the engines.

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