1931 - No charge

Posted by Greenfield On 2023/9/9 12:19:02
For some unknown reason, I'm not getting a any charge out of my 31 Standard 8. Cutout/regulator and generator were rebuilt a couple years ago and everything was fine just a couple weeks ago.

Basically, with the engine running I'm not getting any positive charge. The ammeter will show a discharge when the engine is off and lights on, so I don't think it is the gauge. With the engine running, voltage at the battery terminals is jumping all over the place, but not greater that 6 volts.

I'd like to conduct Dave's frequent advice to test the system ie ground the field terminal on the regulator or generator, rev engine and see if system charges ratably or at max etc., but need clarity on what to ground. The generator has two wires coming through the case that attach to the underside of the cutout/regulator, which in turn has two terminals one marked "Bat" and "Gen". Bat is connected to a lead and Gen is not connected to anything. What need I ground so that I don't fry anything? Thanks!

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