Re: Oil change

Posted by Wat_Tyler On 2023/10/23 17:27:19
I beg to differ on the condensation issue. Most of these cars have t-stats in the 160-something range and will never get the oil hot enough to boil off water. Ever!!!

I have a 2015 Ram truck with an oil temperature gauge. I have to be pounding some pretty serious pavement or it has to be mid-summer for me to be certain that the crankcase contents are well above boiling. My old Packard doesn't run anywhere near as hot as the truck.

Oil is cheap. I don't give a rip if it has 400 miles on the last change, if it's been a year, I'm changing it. So, feel free to do what you like. Besides, it's a good opportunity to inspect the underside of the business end for leaks, loose stuff et cetera.

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