1941 120 Club Coupe fuel tank and cooling issue

Posted by jrbrks2 On 2023/12/10 7:44:35
When I put fuel in my recently purchased'41 120 club coupe for the first time, I discovered the fuel tank is leaking at the seam where the two halves of the tank are joined together.
On further inspection, it appears someone had tried to make repairs with fiberglass (?) and, perhaps some type of JB Weld compound.
The good news is the fuel in the tank runs clean from a bottom drain plug.

Does anyone have thoughts on a repair option (I am hopeful the fiberglass was simply installed over the seam, as the tank does not appear to be rusted out.

Alternatively, is there a viable option or source for a replacement fuel tank?

Additionally, the heat gauge goes to hot on idle and seems to ride high, even after a short drive on a cool day. Afterwards, I nearly always have coolant flow from the overflow hose on shutting down the engine.
An infra-red thermometer shows the block at about 200 F (approximately 10 degree variation front to back) and the radiator measures in the 180's.
Thoughts on where to start would be helpful, as I am just beginning to familiarize myself with this car.

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