Re: the roof top

Posted by James T Axman On 2009/5/29 5:29:53
Portlandon says >> Hey are Packards tax deductible?

Hi Portlandon; I used to live in your fair city back in 1991-1993; great place!

I now work as a contract independent for the State of Kentucky and drive my personal vehicle for business use. I'm certain that the IRS wouldn't care if I press into service the 1936 Junior, once she is purring down the streets of Frankfort. As a dichotomy, I actually live in colorado, and there, the daily commuters would blow by me at high rate of speeds, although I recall years ago, when my dad was 86 and I was riding with him, he would obstinately drive in the passing lane at 40mph; saw more birds flipped that day than ever. I also threatened to get my dad a bumper sticker that said "I may be slow, but I'm a head of you"

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