A Matter of Life , And A Death.

Posted by IrishPackard On 2009/8/19 6:42:07
Good afternoon all,

This post is far from the usual (semi)light-hearted one for me, it involves the death of someone I loved dearly and its effect upon me.

I seek you advice and support in regards a problem I have.

In 2004 my partner/girlfriend, Ciara, was fatally injured when a jack collapsed under a car she was working on. Obviously I dont want a lecture on the subject, (I was actually on the way to a motor parts store to get axle stands when Ciara decided to preform a 'quick-fix' under the car.)

The result of this is that I have been unable to work under cars since then, even in a modern workshop with a state of the art,four post,'qualrouple' lock safety system.

Obviously, I need to get on with my life and need to 'do things' under my cars. I dont have a pit and I would not trust a lift. I recently bought a pair of drive-on ramps, as heavy-duty as possible, but I am still am terrified of using them. While I am normally a confident person, I am reduced to a nervous wreck at the thoughts of getting under a car.

This link,shop.difflock.com/heavy-duty-extra-wide-vehicle-ramps-p-100.html, will bring you to the ramps I bought, whould you have a look and tell me your thoughts on them? While I know the weight of my Packard, will someone independently tell me if they are suitable to safely carry my Packard?

I trust the people here more than anyone else for unbiased advice and opnion....

Yours truly,


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