Re: Continuing on the Overdrive

Posted by Jim Kavanagh On 2009/9/3 10:32:21
HH56 - These are good sources of data. I have found a few before, but some of these are new to me. I am curious about a statement in Vol. 17-17 that says the No. 6 circuit momentarily grounds the ignition as the pawl engages, the points having been momentarily closed during the plunger travel. This takes the load off the drive shaft so the pawl can engage.
The purpose of this is not clear to me. I understand the reason for grounding the ignition on kickdown activation to drop out of OD, but I thought that releasing the pedal achieves the mechanical relief on the drivetrain so that balk ring can line up with the pawl to allow engaging the OD. If circuit 6 was not activating, would this be a potential source of my buzzing issue? Is there a way to actually test the activation of circuit 6?
I am not sure it would be related, but this is the relay (ground out relay) for which the contacts stay engaged after power is shut off. I think at the point that I note the unusual noise, they should be closed in any case, so it doesn't seem like this contributes to the condition.

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