Re: Continuing on the Overdrive

Posted by HH56 On 2009/9/3 11:01:33
That is a confusing statement. I really think they meant to say dis-engage. As you mention, torque reduction on engagement is by letting off the gas. The solenoid is constructed so that the ground out points can't close until the solenoid is well into the out or engaged position. By that time pawl is already into the gear, pull in coil is very strong so any torque reduction wouldn't help that much.

I don't know of a reliable way to test. If you tried bypassing and brought a wire inside to manually connect, the timing would have to be impeccable. Short it at the exact instant it tried to engage to test the way it is written and of course, connected a few milliseconds too long and the engine would die--same on the other side dropping out.

Have you been able to nail it down as to solenoid buzzing or relay box buzzing.

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