36 Packard Running Poorly - Need Some Help

Posted by Bill_OBrien On 2009/10/24 20:31:33
First of all let me introduce myself. My Uncle & I have a 1936 Packard 120 8 Cyl 4 Door Touring Body. The car has dual side mounts & Pelican hoor ornament. I think it is one impressive looking car!!

The car is in good overall condition with an older restoration. I would say it is a decent driver quality. I don't know if I am among the younger Packard enthusiasts at 40 years old. I absolutely love these cars!!

The Packard was not run for a about a year and we recently got her up and running. I had her out for a drive and she ran like a dream! Engine ran strong and smooth. I had a bit of an issue with the rear lights not turning off (I will ask about that in another post!!) so I could not start her for two weeks.

When I got it running I noticed the exhaust had a really noxious smell to it. The exhaust does have some smoke but it is not thick smoke. Really really strong exhaust smell. The kind that permiates your clothes and you stink!

I don't think it is buring oil (i.e. rings, valve guides). When I have it parked and press the accelerator it runs rough. She is just not running well.. :(

Anyone have any ideas? Carb adjustment?? Timing?? While I am damn handy I will have to learn the specifics of making these kinds of adjustments on this car..... Let me know what other information I can provide so we can get this old girl back in action!!

Thanks in advance and a pleasure to meet some fellow Packard enthusiasts!!!

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